Investor Models

The following guitars are our investor models. They have a hefty price tag but let me explain why.

These are our FIRST THREE Sunland Guitars EVER built. Serial numbers 001, 002, & 003. The way I like to think of it is if you could go back in time and buy one of the first Gibsons or Fenders or PRS's they would be worth a TON more today. So here's the deal:

If you buy one of these guitars for $5,000 we will upgrade anything on the guitar. The rest of the funds go towards growing our business and making sure your new guitar will be worth even more in the future.

With your help, the extra money will go towards:

  • Tools and equipment upgrades
  • Moving to a bigger shop and/or storefront
  • Hiring local employees to start major manufacturing of Sunland Guitars

We're in this for the long haul and we're looking to not only make big, positive changes for our local community, but also nationally. Your investment will help local guitar enthusiasts work in an industry they love for a brand that treats them respectfully and gives them what they're worth and you will help provide high quality, unique guitars to the current market.

Thank you SO much for stopping by and I hope you decide to make an investment in us!

-Erik Ulven, Owner/Luthier/Designer